Join Cigar Aficionado & Whisky Advocate for a one-day event featuring a night of exceptional cigars and whiskies from around the world! A host of top-tier cigarmakers, whisky distillers, master blenders, and other brand experts will be on site, handing out fine cigars and whisky to all in attendance. Collect and smoke 30+ cigars and sample an exciting selection of single malt and blended Scotch, Irish, bourbon, rye, Tennessee, Japanese, Canadian, craft-distilled whiskies plus other premium spirits all in one place!
Collect and smoke 30+ cigars and sample an exciting selection of whiskies and spirits!
An Unforgettable Night of Cigars & Whisky
Join Cigar Aficionado & Whisky Advocate for a one-day event featuring a night of exceptional cigars and whiskies from around the world! A host of top-tier cigarmakers, whisky distillers, master blenders, and other brand experts will be on site, handing out fine cigars and whisky to all in attendance. Collect and smoke 30+ cigars and sample an exciting selection of single malt and blended Scotch, Irish, bourbon, rye, Tennessee, Japanese, Canadian, craft-distilled whiskies plus other premium spirts all in one place!
Collect and smoke 30+ cigars and sample over 100 whiskies and spirits!
An Unforgettable Night of Cigars & Whisky
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Join Cigar Aficionado & Whisky Advocate magazine for the 4th annual Big Smoke Meets WhiskyFest.
Smoke and collect 30+ exceptional cigars and sample over 100 whiskies and other premium spirits from around the world. Enjoy meeting the cigarmakers, distillers and blenders behind these exceptional brands while you smoke, sip and relax with friends at the Grand Tasting on Saturday evening.